Sunday, November 2, 2014

Slander-athon 2014 (aka the Midterm Election)

Politicians are like boyfriends: they're afraid of commitment. Why should they stick to a position when that means that not everyone will agree with them? Why would the electorate possibly need to know what politicians' political views are? Currently, electing someone is like flipping a coin. You don't know if you'll get the good side or the bad one. But knowing would suck all the fun out the election!


Politicians wearing hard hats:
Tom Wolf (though his is somewhat justified)

Regular ol' smear campaigns:
Tom MacArthur's "Zero"
Tom MacArthur's "Salary"
Tom Corbett taking a courageous stand against revenue

"I'm so great that I don't even need facts to prove it:"
Tom MacArthur "Tired of the Usual Politicians"

Tom Corbett's Brilliant Photoshop skills:
DailyMail article
Corbett gets Colbert-ed

Update: I just noticed that all of the politicians whose ads I linked are named Tom.

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