Sunday, November 16, 2014

Grubering: The Latest, Greatest Obamacare Scandal

We all know that politicians aren't here to be honest or courteous to the electorate! That's not their job! Why should we expect them to be honest about anything that comes out of their mouths, let alone the laws they pass? Should we expect politicians to not be deceitful or not to assume that Americans won't understand their legislation?! No! Don't be ridiculous! Americans are stupid! They were honest about that, at the very least!

Hey, Jonathan Gruber, Mr. Obamacare 'architect' who are you calling stupid?***
"Grubering" definition
"Shut that whole thing down"
Alaskan foreign policy
Binders full of women

***Yes, that's the actual title of the article.


  1. Let me start off by saying, Veronica, you are wonderful.
    This was both amusing and entertaining.
    Politicians definitely need to learn to have a little more truth to what they are saying, for the most part. I didn't know that Obamacare was based off of Romney's ideas (or maybe I did and I just forgot? ehh, beside the point...) but if that's the case I really don't understand why Republicans have such opposition to it. Healthcare should be a thing provided to everybody because why should a poor person not have access to the same level of treatment as a wealthy man? It's a little ridiculous, honestly.

  2. Nice satire! Check out the Truth-O-Meter.
    Many lies plant themselves in people's minds and if they're retracted at all, they've already made an impact. So why bother limiting yourself to the truth?
